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The Govern de les Illes Balears has finally had to take the risk. It has not been able, as it intended, to get the High Court of Justice of the Balearic Islands to rule in advance on the maintenance of the restrictions that would lapse as a result of the end of the State of Alarm.

It was like taking an exam and asking the professor if the answers you have given are correct before handing in the exam, thus being able to change them and, of course, ensure a pass. 

In the end, the Government has turned the proposal it sent to the Court into a regulation. Now, it has pronounced in favor of maintaining the restrictions that, for the time being, will be applied from May 9 to 23, 2021.

It is true that the State Prosecutor's Office maintains a contrary position, but unless further action is taken, for the time being the situation is as follows:


Travel between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. will continue to be limited. Only those trips carried out for essential reasons detailed in the Agreement will be allowed.

PCR at the entrance to the Balearic Islands:

Persons arriving in the Balearic Islands from the rest of Spain must undergo a check on the reason for the trip and, where appropriate, a health check. Also, as long as they have exceeded 72 hours outside the community, they must submit a PDIA for SARS-CoV-2 with negative result or undergo an antigen test upon arrival in the Balearic Islands, have a PCR within 48 hours or maintain a quarantine of 10 days.

Limitation of social gatherings:

MMaximum of six people indoors or outdoors, both in public and private spaces. Indoors, meetings may only be held for a maximum of two people.

Limitations on worship:

It cannot exceed 50% of the capacity. In any case, a distance of at least one and a half meters must be ensured between people from different cohabitation nuclei.

Bars and restaurants

Exterior 100% occupancy, with a maximum of 4 people per table. Indoors closed. No limitation of family groups. Attention! Closing at 22.30h, which is a slight improvement for this sector that is suffering so much, but nevertheless, continues with its survival linked, in addition to the pandemic, to good weather.

Retail stores and department stores

75% of capacity, but only 50% in large areas. Closing at 10:00 p.m., except for essential services.

It is foreseen that the maintenance of the specific restrictions may have some modification depending on the evolution of the epidemiological data and the political will of our Government.

At Confialia we remain attentive and support the entrepreneur.

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