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Can I deduct vehicle expenses?

Si usted utiliza un vehículo en su actividad económica, Hacienda presumirá que también hay un uso privativo y le denegará la deducción de los gastos correspondientes. Pero no se conforme…
Gastos del vehículo
Uso exclusivo. Si usted es un empresario individual y desea adquirir un vehículo para su actividad, sepa que Hacienda pone muchas trabas a la hora de deducir los gastos relacionados con la adquisición y el uso (amortización, reparaciones, carburante, Impuesto de Matriculación, seguros, aparcamientos, etc.). ¡Atención!  Salvo algunas excepciones, para que dichos gastos sean deducibles en el IRPF, es preciso que el vehículo se utilice de forma exclusiva en la actividad (no siendo suficiente que el uso particular sea accesorio o irrelevante), lo cual es muy difícil de demostrar.
Excepciones. De hecho, sólo se excepcionan de esta norma tan estricta (permitiéndose, en caso de uso particular y empresarial, la deducción de la parte proporcional correspondiente al uso empresarial) los siguientes vehículos:

Diabolical test. When these three assumptions are not met, for the deduction in the IRPF of any expense related to the purchase of a vehicle or its use (depreciation, petrol, parking, insurance, repairs...), the Treasury requires the taxpayer to prove "non-use" for private purposes. Attention! And as such negative proof is practically impossible, the tax authorities usually do not allow the deduction of these expenses.
Generate evidence
For the tax authorities to prove. Since proving a negative fact (the "non-use for private purposes") is very complicated, there are already several courts that consider that in these cases it is up to the tax authorities to prove that the expenses are not deductible, and not the other way round. Note. Therefore, if you encounter a restrictive attitude on the part of the tax authorities, demand that they prove private use, and not you.
Additional evidence. But don't just sit on your hands either. Note. Even if, according to these courts, the tax authorities are obliged to provide evidence, you can also provide evidence that the vehicle is really only used for business purposes:
Example. You are a painter and you use a van to move and transport materials, scaffolding, ladders, etc., so you do not fall into the cases indicated above, which allow a partial deduction of expenses (according to the tax authorities, paint or building materials for installation are not considered "goods"). Note. Well, if the vehicle bears your company logo, is suitable for loading equipment and you have another car at your disposal, the tax authorities will hardly be able to deny you the deduction of expenses.
Demand that the tax authorities prove that there is a private use. You can also generate evidence in your favour by labelling the vehicle with your company logo and proving that you have other vehicles for private use.
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