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RDL 30/2020, 29 September, on social measures in defence of employment

On 30 September 2020, Royal Decree-Law 30/2020 of 29 September has been published. The "expected" Royal Decree-Law of "continuity" of the ERTES. Below we will try to explain the regulations to be applied from Thursday 1 October.

Will force majeure ERTES continue to apply from 1/10/2020? The broad answer is Yes, but there are three possibilities:

  1. If the main activity of the company is listed in the CNAE annex (at the end of the article), the Social Security exemptions are as follows

2. Si la actividad está relacionada con alguna de las actividades del CNAE (ver anexo al final de la noticia), también se puede exonerar de los mismos porcentajes de Seguridad Social que en el punto anterior. Se considera acreditado cuando en en el año 2019 la mitad de su facturación haya dependido de manera directa de aquellas empresas con actividad del anexo de CNAE.
Se deberá presentar ante la autoridad laboral correspondiente entre el 5 y el 19 de octubre la solicitud de declaración como empresas dependientes o integrantes de la cadena de valor de otra empresa.
3. Si la actividad de la empresa no está en el anexo  CNAE ni está relacionada, los trabajadores podrán seguir en el ERTE por fuerza mayor, pero las cuotas de Seguridad no serán exoneradas.

¿Qué condiciones tienen los ERTES a partir del 1/10/2020?
1º Se mantiene el importe de las prestaciones por desempleo
2º La base de cálculo para las prestaciones se mantendrá en el 70% de la base reguladora de la persona trabajadora que no verá disminuidos sus ingresos
3º Se mantiene el «contador a cero» sobre los derechos de prestación por desempleo (PARO) de los trabajadores incluidos en el ERTE de fuerza mayor.
4º Las personas afectadas por un ERTE tendrán atención preferente para recibir cursos de formación y se pondrán en marcha acciones específicas para este colectivo

Se crea un nuevo motivo de solicitud de ERTE por «impedimiento» o por «limitación» de la actividad
1º Las empresas de cualquier sector o actividad que vean impedido el desarrollo de su actividad como consecuencia de las nuevas restricciones o medidas adoptadas a partir del 1 de octubre de 2020, tanto por autoridades nacionales como extranjeras, podrán acogerse a los beneficios de los ERTE, durante el tiempo que exista el impedimento o limitación.

2º In the case of companies that are prevented from carrying out their activity in any of their workplaces as a result of the health measures, they may request an "ERTE due to impediment".
These companies will be exempted from paying social security contributions during the closure period and until 31 January 2021, qThis will be 100% of the company contribution during the closure period and until 31 January if they have less than 50 employees and 90% if they have 50 employees or more.
3º Companies or entities that see limited the development of their activity in some of their workplaces as a consequence of decisions or measures adopted by the Spanish authorities, they may apply to the labour authority for an "ERTE by limitations".
In this case, the exemptions from social security contributions for suspended workers will be degressive between October 2020 and January 2021 based on the following percentages:
Impediment100% exemption (from October to January) if you have less than 50 employees and 90% (from October to January) if you have more than 50 employees.

Aid for the self-employed as from 01/10/2020
Self-employed workers who were receiving the activity termination benefit provided for in article 9 of Royal Decree-Law 24/2020, of 26 June, on the entry into force of this regulation, may continue to receive it until 31 January 2021, provided that during the fourth quarter of 2020 they maintain the requirements established for its concession.
Self-employed workers who have not received this benefit during the third quarter of 2020 may apply for the activity termination benefit.
Amount of the benefit: 50% of the minimum contribution base for the activity. This may be increased to 70% in the case of a large family. When 2 or more members entitled to the benefit live in the same family unit up to the first degree of kinship, they may only receive 40% each.
Social security contributionsshall be exempt from the obligation to pay social security contributions. Requirements:
- Total suspension of the activity as a consequence of Covid-19 restrictions (by decision of the competent authority) or,
- Revenue reduction of at least 50% in Q4 2020 compared to Q1 2020.

En ERTES fuerza mayor y ETOP: Ni horas extras ni externalizar nuevas actividades ni nuevos contratos
No podrán realizarse horas extraordinarias, establecerse nuevas externalizaciones de la actividad ni concertarse nuevas contrataciones, sean directas o indirectas, durante la aplicación de estos ERTEs.
La única excepción a las nuevas contrataciones (y previa información a los representantes) es cuando los empleados no puedan, por formación, capacitación u otras razones objetivas y justificadas, desarrollar las funciones encomendadas.

Salvaguarda del empleo
Se   mantiene   la   prohibición   de   despedir   por   causas   objetivas provenientes del COVID-19) en el plazo de seis meses desde la presentación del ERTE y protección de los contratos temporales. Por tanto, para empresas ya acogidas a un ERTE por fuerza mayor hasta el 30/09/20 no podrían despedir a ningún trabajador por causas objetivas durante UN AÑO si se acogen al ERTE que este RDL 30/2020 regula.

Àngels Barceló
Responsable área laboral


CNAE-09 to which the enterprises specially concerned belong as defined in paragraph 2 of the first additional provision

0710 Extraction of iron ores.
2051 Manufacture of explosives.
5813 Newspaper publishing.
2441 Precious metals production.
7912 Activities of tour operators.
7911 Activities of travel agencies.
5110 Passenger air transport.
1820 Reproduction of recorded media.
5122 Space transport.
4624 Wholesale trade in hides and skins.
7735 Rental of air transport means.
7990 Other reservation services and related activities.
9004 Venue management.
7729 Rental of other personal effects and household goods.
9002 Ancillary activities to the performing arts.
4741 Retail sale of computers, peripheral equipment and software in specialised shops.
3220 Manufacture of musical instruments.
3213 Manufacture of imitation jewellery and similar articles.
8230 Organisation of conventions and trade fairs.
7722 Videotape and disc rental.
5510 Hotels and similar accommodation.
3316 Aeronautical and space repair and maintenance.
1811 Graphic arts and related services.
5520 Tourist and other short-stay accommodation.
4939 types of passenger land transport n.e.c.
5030 Passenger transport by inland waterways.
1812 Other printing and graphic arts activities.
9001 Performing arts.
5914 Film exhibition activities.
1393 Manufacture of carpets and rugs.
8219 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialised office activities.
9321 Amusement and theme park activities.


2431 Cold-drawn.
5223 Activities incidental to air transport.
3212 Manufacture of jewellery and similar articles.
5590 Other accommodation.
5010 Maritime passenger transport.
7711 Rental of cars and light motor vehicles.
4932 Transport by taxi.
2670 Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipment.
9601 Washing and cleaning of textile and leather garments.
9329 Other recreational and entertainment activities.
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